
March 10, 2011

New attack aircrafts Su-24M to join Black Sea Fleet

New attack aircrafts Su-24M will be soon commissioned into Black Sea Fleet (BSF); however, the fleet lacks experienced pilots because they have been dismissed in result of the military "reform". BSF has no simulators either.

First-class pilots were "dismissed due to age limits and staff reductions", said BSF Naval Aviation Commander Alexander Otroschenko in the interview to the fleet's newspaper Flag Rodiny. Even 2 years ago BSF naval aviation had "large number" of pilots, underlined the newspaper.

"At present, 80% pilots of attack aviation are not higher than third-class specialists", said the general having added that young pilots were being retrained.

"After retraining course they will start mastering new upgraded attack aircrafts Su-24M which soon will come to airbase Gvardeiskoe", assured Otroschenko.

Meanwhile, BSF has no simulators for aircrew training, writes the newspaper. The general hopes that an advanced simulator recently designed in Russia "will be put into service soon".

Having assumed the office in Oct 2010, Alexander Otroschenko noted imperfect qualification of BSF naval pilots and rapid aging of aircraft park, reports New Region.

"Currently, BSF naval aviation has no experienced pilots, navigators and snipers", stated the general. .


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