
November 8, 2011

TBRL to manufacture 10 lakh multi mode grenades for Indian Army

Terminal Ballistics Research Laboratory (TBRL), which is located in the city, announced on Sunday that it would manufacture 10 lakh multi mode grenades (MMG) for the Indian Army.The Chandigarh-Delhi chapter of High Energy Material Society of India (HEMSI) will hold a conference to commemorate the golden jubilee of TBRL.
'8th International High Energy Material Conference and Exhibit-2011' will be organised at Ramgarh range TBRL. This will upgrade our information and awareness regarding country's defence, internal and external security systems, Dr Manjeet Singh, Director, TBRL.
Dr Manjeet also said that TBRL was envisaged in 1961 as a modern armament research laboratory. "TBRL has been contributing in the country's defence with its researches and products."

"TBRL provide facilities for applied research and technology development in the fields of high explosive processing, detonics and warheads and other armament systems," he added.

There will be 24 technical sessions that will include 26 talks, 125 presentations, said Associate Director of TBRL Dr RP Singh. Also, 220 technical posters on explosives application, security management, and firecrackers manufacturing would be displayed, he said.
We will have experts from the US, Israel, UK, Russia, Germany, Ukraine and Czech who will discuss sensitive issues and throw light on some modern defence techniques, he added.
The MMD will replace the current 36m grenade that has been used by the Army for past many years. Ordinance factory at Khamaria has ordered 10 lakh MMD, said a TBRL official.

- Dailybhaskar

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