
October 4, 2011

Chandigarh Airforce base to assemble MI-17 V5 helicopters

(Business Standard) : Chandigarh Airforce base No 3 Repair Depot, which is the only airforce base in the country to carry out repair, overhaul and maintenance of MI-8 and MI-17 helicopters will assemble upgraded version of MI-17 helicopters called MI-17V5 helicopters in India in association with Russian partner Kazan plant, Russia. The Indian Air Force Base has placed order for 80 units of MI-17V5 helicopters to Russia.
Already they have received four helicopters in CKD (Complete knocked down) form and it is targeting to assemble 80 MI 17 V5 helicopters in next three years. Besides this, they also carry out repair, maintenance and overhaul of AN 32 transport aircraft.
This was disclosed by air commodore Suresh Singh, VSM, commander, 3BRD air force station. Base repair depots (BRD) carry out fourth line repair and maintenance of aircraft and equipment in the inventory of the Indian Air Force. These include overhauls, major repairs and major upgradations Talking about the huge potential for industry to manufacture spare parts for helicopters, airplanes and other defence equipment to the Indian Armed Forces, he added, "The Indian defence forces currently import parts worth Rs 100,000 crore annually and the government has mandated that the defence forces must indigenise 50 per cent of this requirement over the next five years. Infact, even for new equipment being ordered now, the government wants that the assemblies and sub-assemblies should be indigenised from now itself.
For orders of equipment of Rs 300 crore plus placed abroad, it has been made mandatory for the overseas manufacturer to indigenize assemblies and components worth 30 per cent of the total order value for which it can enter into joint ventures and do technology transfer. While earlier joint ventures could be done only with public sector companies, this has now been opened up to the private sector and is a great opportunity for Indian industry.
On being asked their participation in Destination Punjab, which is going to be held in Amritsar, he added, "We will be displaying various parts which could be indigenized by Punjab manufacturers and we will provide all technical and other support to them. We are of the opinion that Punjab manufacturers, both big and small, can procure business worth over Rs 1000 crore per annum. It will be a win-win situation as the defence forces will also be able to reduce the lead time taken to procure a spare part and at a rate lower than the imported one."
Currently, it procures Rs. 20 crore of materials from Punjab.

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